
This repository contains practical exercises for the 4 Pillars of OOP with Typescript implemetations (Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritence and Polymorphism)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



This repository contains practical exercises for learning how to write maintenable, testable and scalable code in OOP with Typescript. It includes the 4 pillars, the 5 solid principles.


  • Clone this repository.
  • Install the typescript dependency with npm install.
  • You will find exerises under the src/[topic] directory:
    • Implemetations & explanations are directely written as comments in index.ts files.
    • You can run an file containing the implementation to see the output with tsc && node src/[topic]/[path to the file].js.
    • You can change / adapt the implementation for your better understanding as well.


We welcome contributions! If you'd like to contribute to this project, please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository and create a new branch.
  • Make your changes or add an intersting exercice or even improve existing implemetation / explanation.
  • Delete js files generated by typescript.
  • Submit your pull request.

Ensure that your code adheres to the project's coding format.