Game of Life


  • Linux
    • Clone this repository
    • sudo apt install libsdl2-dev
    • sudo apt install libasound2-dev
    • Run target/release/game_of_life


  1. Each cell can be either alive or dead
  2. Cell survives if it has 2 or 3 neighbours
  3. Cell comes lo life if it has 3 neighbours
  4. All other cells die


  • Point and click on the cell to make it come to life (if it's dead). Only works when the game is not running
  • Point and click on the cell to kill it (if it's alive). Only works when the game is not running
  • Press spacebar to run the game
  • Press spacebar to pause the game
  • Press R to reset the game
  • Press Q or Esc to quit the game

For more detailed info about the game look here