Special is a safe and easy to use library that allows you to separate the logic of handling special conditions from the code in which they arise.
It is specifically not exception-handling, but integrates with whatever you use for that, including standard try/catch.
- Supports ClojureScript as well as Clojure
- Thread-safe out-of-the-box
- Protects against laziness pitfalls of some other libraries and approaches
Most programs contain code where the natural control flow is obscured because special conditions can arise.
Examples could be
- Missing invalid data
- Data that would cause division by zero
- Run-time exceptions
- Temporarily unavailable resources
- Disk-full
Such "special conditions" are in fact not very special. Rather, they can be said to be normal. Yet we often choose to deal with them in crude ways, and not seldom as an afterthought.
This soon creates a patchwork of code that becomes very difficult to reason about.
function | input | output |
manage |
A function f and optional handlers for conditions that might arise during the execution of f |
A version of f where the listed conditions are handled. |
condition |
A condition keyword c , a value and optional handlers for conditions that might arise during the execution of a handler for c |
The value returned from a matching condition-handler. If no condition handler exists, the :normally handler is used. If that does not exist either, an exception is thrown |
The function manage
takes a function and zero or more condition handlers.
Handlers are functions of one value. They return a new value to be used where the condition was raised. Instead of a function you can specify a non-function value.
Let's write a naive function than returns n numbers starting from 0:
(fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
Now let's call it to produce 10 numbers:
((fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
=> (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
Let's modify the function to return 100 in the place of all odd i's:
((fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
=> (0 100 2 100 4 100 6 100 8 100)
Now let's express that with conditions.
(require '[special.core :refer [condition manage]])
((fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i :normally 100)
=> (0 100 2 100 4 100 6 100 8 100)
The call to condition
here says that the
special condition :odd
occured for
some value i
and that we normally handle
it by using the value 100.
The handler could be a function instead of just a plain value. For instance we could choose to normally double all odd numbers:
((fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i :normally #(* 2 %))
=> (0 2 2 6 4 10 6 14 8 18)
Well, actually this means double the condition value. You can see that here:
=> (0 2 2 6 4 10 6 14 8 18)
((fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd (- i) :normally #(* 2 %))
=> (0 -2 2 -6 4 -10 6 -14 8 -18)
You can pass anything you want as a condition value.
The condition itself must be a keyword.
Normally the condition is handled by the :normally
but it is possible for a function at a higher call level to handle
the condition itself instead.
The way this is done is by calling the function manage
with a function and a variable number of condition handlers. manage
returns a new function, in which these condition handlers are active.
(let [f (fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i :normally #(* 2 %))
g (manage f :odd #(+ % 100))]
(g 10))
=> (0 101 2 103 4 105 6 107 8 109)
Notice how the decision about what to do when
the :odd
condition arises in f
is decomplected
from f
and instead taken in g
It does not matter how many calling levels there are
between manage
and condition
(let [f (fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i :normally #(* 2 %))
g #(f (- % 5))
h (manage g :odd #(+ % 100))]
(h 10))
=> (0 101 2 103 4)
is not very special. In fact it is just a
normal condition handler, but it is special in one way:
If a condition raised by condition
is not handled from
a calling function (ie. by use of manage
), it will be
allows you to specify zero, one or more
condition handlers that will be active as long as the
condition is being processed.
If there is no :normally
handler, a condition can end
up unhandled. In this case an ex-info exception is thrown.
((fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i)
ExceptionInfo Unhandled condition :odd clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4617)
As you can see below, a :normally
handler is not required,
though it is good practice to have one.
(let [f (fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i)
g (manage f :odd 'very-odd)]
(g 10))
=> (0 very-odd 2 very-odd 4 very-odd 6 very-odd 8 very-odd)
How about some more fun with handlers? Like decomplecting
the decision about what to do about odd numbers
from how to do it.
In the example below, f
decides which numbers are :odd
decides what to do about them, and f
decides how to do it.
(let [f (fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i
:unimportant nil
:important 'VIP)
g (manage f :odd #(condition
(if (= 7 %)
(g 10))
=> (0 nil 2 nil 4 nil 6 VIP 8 nil)
Or how about managing a condition, then deciding to
let the called function handle it how it :normally
(let [f (fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i :normally '...)
g (manage f :odd #(if (= 7 %)
(condition :normally)))]
(g 10))
=> (0 ... 2 ... 4 ... 6 seven 8 ...)
Handlers "know about" each other in a natural way:
(let [f (fn [n]
(for [i (range n)]
(if (odd? i)
(condition :odd i
:normally '...
:abnormally #(vector % (condition :normally)))
g (manage f
:hello #(vector 'hello %)
:odd #(if (= 7 %)
(condition :abnormally 'seven)
(condition :hello 'Dolly)))]
(g 10))
=> (0 [hello Dolly] 2 [hello Dolly] 4 [hello Dolly] 6 [seven ...] 8 [hello Dolly])
Unlike other libraries, Special is independent of the exception handling of the underlying platform.
Since condition handlers can do anything, including raising exceptions, you should be able to do much if not all of the stuff you can do with conditional restarts in Lisp, but with less of a head-ache.
There is no concept of re-raising a special condition to a higher level. While not difficult to implement, I feel that maybe we should wait a while and see if the need is really there.
Because of the way dynamic bindings work in Clojure, it has
been necessary to make manage
return an eager function
instead of a lazy one. Since the eagerfication is achieved
by using pr-str
, there can be a run-time cost associated
with this, depending on circumstances.
The main reason I wrote this library is that I wanted a minimalistic way to decomplect conditions from exceptions.
I wanted it to work in both Clojure and ClojureScript, and I wanted it to be dependency-free.
There are other libraries out there that you might want to consider
Library | Clojure | ClojureScript | Thread-safe | Laziness-safe | Comment |
special | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | This library |
errorkit | Yes | No | ? | ? | Experimental system by Chris Houser |
swell | Yes | No | ? | ? | A restart library based on slingshot. |
conditions | Yes | No | ? | ? | Resumable exceptions library based on slingshot. |
ribol / hara.event | Yes | No | ? | ? | Part of a much larger library intended to be "a big, monolithic, kitchen-sink type codebase" |
Chris Houser's library-less approach | Yes | No | No | No | See comment below |
rp.condition | Yes | Yes | No | No | Library that builds upon Chris Houser's approach |
Chris Houser has given an excellent little talk called Condition Systems in an Exceptional Language that you might find interesting to watch. However you should be aware that Chris advocates an approach that is neither thread-safe nor laziness-safe. This can lead to unpredictable run-time behaviour, so I don't recommend the approach in practice.
The Lisp solution to this problem is called "conditional restarts".
- Chapter 19 in Peter Siebel's book Practical Common Lisp.
- Kent Pitman Exceptional Situations In Lisp
A thank you for contributions goes to
- Kurt Heyrman
- your name here?
Copyright © 2016 Mads Olsen.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0