
PredictiveMA-WGAN to predict human motion using 3D skeletons

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Code for the papers "3D Skeleton-based Human Motion Prediction with Manifold-Aware GAN " and "Human Motion Prediction Using Manifold-Aware Wasserstein GAN"

Predict the end of a motion sequence using its beginning


Dependencies :

For training and prediction

  • python 3.7
  • tensorflow 2.2.0
  • numpy 1.19.0
  • scipy 1.4.1

For quantitative results and visualisation

  • Matlab R2020a



- Download the Human3.6M database at [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.01685.pdf]([[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.01685.pdf](http://www.cs.stanford.edu/people/ashesh/h3.6m.zip)](http://www.cs.stanford.edu/people/ashesh/h3.6m.zip)
- Download the CMU-MoCap data from [https://github.com/chaneyddtt/Convolutional-Sequence-to-Sequence-Model-for-Human-Dynamics/tree/master/data/cmu_mocap](https://github.com/chaneyddtt/Convolutional-Sequence-to-Sequence-Model-for-Human-Dynamics/tree/master/data/cmu_mocap)
- In PMAWGAN-<dataset name> run create_folders.sh
- Download CMU weight at """""""""""" and put them in PMAWGAN-CMU/Checkpoint_long and PMAWGAN-CMU/Checkpoint_short
- Download Human3.6M weight at """""""""""" and put them in PMAWGAN-Human3.6M/Checkpoint_long and PMAWGAN-Human3.6M/Checkpoint_short
- Put the Human3.6M data in a folder named 'Human3.6M' at the root of the project
- Put the CMU Mocap data in a folder named 'CMU_MoCaP' at the root of the project
- run Create_Database.m In the script you can change 'DB_choice' between 'CMU_short', 'CMU_long', 'HM36_short', 'HM36_long' to select the dataset type (long = long term prediction)
- In PMAWGAN-<dataset name>/Data_skeleton copy the content of the '3D' folder contained in the newly created folder ('CMU_short', 'CMU_long', 'HM36_short', 'HM36_long')

Running the model

- launch WGAN.ipynb with notebook (parameters are in the second cell)
- use 'python Main.py' (parameters are in the file. default Training = False,Short_Term = False for testing on long term prrediction)

Getting quantitative results

- after predicting motion in python 
- in the Matlab terminal 
- use Quantitative_results(false) to get results for long term prediction (need prediction with Short_Term=False) 
- use Quantitative_results(true) to get results for short term prediction (need prediction with Short_Term=True)

Visualisation of results

- after predicting motion in python 
- in the Matlab terminal 
- use Visualisation(class,N_samples,Short_Term) to see the results in a Matlab figure and save the results in a video file 
  - class : char of the name of the action to visualize, choose one of the following : 'Directions','Discussion','Eating','Greeting','Phoning','Photo','Posing','Purchases','Sitting','SittingDown','Smoking','Waiting','WalkDog','Walking','WalkTogether' 
  - N_samples : an integer representing the number of sample to visualize 
  - Short_Term =false : visualize long term prediction. Short_Term =true : visualize short term prediction. 
  - example : Visualisation('Walking',8,false) 
- Visualisation presents on the left side the ground truth and on the right the predicted motion 
- First the 15 last frames of the historical sequence are shown in blue 
- Then 10 or 25 frames (short term or long term) of predicted motion are shown in red on the right side 
- A video file is then saved. Example : Walking_long.avi 
- We recommend to visualize long term prediction as short term visualisation is rather fast.


author = {B. Chopin and N. Otberdout and M. Daoudi and A. Bartolo},
booktitle = {2021 16th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2021)},
title = {Human Motion Prediction Using Manifold-Aware Wasserstein GAN},
year = {2021},
volume = {},
issn = {},
pages = {1-8},
  author={Chopin, Baptiste and Otberdout, Naima and Daoudi, Mohamed and Bartolo, Angela},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science}, 
  title={3D Skeleton-based Human Motion Prediction with Manifold-Aware GAN}, 


This project has received financial support from the CNRS through the 80—Prime program and from the French State, managed by the National Agency for Research (ANR) under the Investments for the future program with reference ANR-16-IDEX-0004 ULNE. This work has been supported by ”La Fédération de Recherche Sciences et Cultures du Visuel” (FR CNRS 2052), and by a State grant managed by the National Research Agency under the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir with the reference ANR-21-ESRE-0030 - Equipex+ Continuum.