Symfony Bicycle Project

There's only a few steps to run this example. I tested it using Linux. Unfortunately I don't have a Mac to test it, so just a heads up. I built this using the latest PHP version so there's a little syntatic sugar here and there.

  1. After cloning the repo, you can use docker compose up
  2. Add bicycle.localhost to /etc/hosts to your host PC.
  3. Visit three working examples. They all basically do the same thing but are implemented differently in the controller code:

Valid values for steering in the url is right, left, straight

Valid values for direction in the url is forward and backwards

Any other words will log and trigger (caught) exceptions for the purpose of this excercise. Invalid words will also be displayed in the docker terminal logs.

You'll see something like: NOTICE: PHP message: [error] There are only two directions to move a bicycle! Forward and backwards. ...

To keep the exercise simple there is no validation of null or empty values so those will definitely return a 500 error.

That's it. Thank you for taking a look at the code guys


If for whatever reason composer install fails during docker compose up, in the project folder run docker compose exec -it php bash. Then run cd ./bicycle && composer install.

That should get the dependencies working.