
Practical Implementation of the Maurer Reduction

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the source code to our submission

Dlog is Practically as Hard (or Easy) as DH - Solving Dlogs via DH Oracles on EC Standards



This folder contains the C code to create the codebook, given a base curve with appropriate auxiliary curve and generator points.

  codebook-gen p E_a4 E_a6 Px Py q I_a4 I_a6 Rx Ry order_R factor name


This folder contains the code to search for auxiliary curves (curve_finder.sage) and to run the implementation with an oracle (maurer.sage).

Parameters for base curves and auxiliary curves are given in curve_list.py.

Note that the python code has an additional dependency on prtpy. Make sure that it is available to sage (e.g. by running pip install prtpy or using the nix flake in this repository).