
ml-project-1-asa_gang created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Machine Learning Project 1

This repository contains the code and the report for the first project of CS-433 Machine Learning 2022 course at EPFL. The purpose is to recreate the discovery of the Higgs boson by implementing binary classification using machine learning methods. The data is obtained from the online competition platform (https://www.aicrowd.com/challenges/epfl-machine-learning-higgs).

This README consists of general information about the used methods and the structure of the code. A more detailed documentation is found inside the functions.

Team Members

This project belongs to the team of ASA_GANG with members:


The provided Python code uses the libraries of numpy (as np) for computation and seaborn (as sns) and matplotlib.pyplot (as plt) for visualization.

The folders should be in the below structure:

 ├── analysis.ipynb
 ├── cross_val.py
 ├── helpers.py
 ├── implementations.py
 ├── preprocessing.py
 ├── run.py
 └── README.md

In order to reproduce the code, one needs to run the run.py file (python3 run.py). The prediction output will be written to submission_final.csv file with {-1/1} labels.


Helper functions

helpers.py: Loads .csv train and test data and creates .csv submission file.

Data Preprocessing

preprocessing.py: Preprocesses train and test data by adding offset, standardization, polynomial expansion, adding cross-terms, adding cos() and sin() for angle related features, dividing the dataset into subgroups, removing uninformative features, filling missing values and outlier removal.


implementations.py: Implements 6 different machine learning methods taking into account their corresponding loss functions. Uses MSE loss for mean_squared_error_GD, mean_squared_error_SGD, least_squares, and ridge regression. Uses log-loss for logistic_regression and reg_logistic_regression.

Model Selection

cross_val.py: Implements K-fold cross-validation to make hyperparameter tuning for the implemented methods such as, but not limited to, learning rate in GD/SGD and degree of polynomial expansion.


analysis.ipynb: Explores the data and the distribution of the features. Implements baseline runs, divides the data according to the categoraical PRI_jet_num variable. Implements the methods, tunes parameters with cross-validation and outputs accuracy plots.