V2 :-
Latest version. Training model using CNN
V1 :-
Trained model using KNN, RFC, SVM. Using voting approach to predict user images.
This is Flask based web application where users can draw digits on the canvas provided in the website and that drawing is encoded as base64 string which is then converted to 28 * 28 grayscale image and is tested on the pre-trained models. Model is trained using MNIST dataset and three classification algorithms K Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines, Random Forest Clasifier were used. For prediction of the user image, the image is tested on all the three classifiers and mode of those three predictions is returned as our prediction.
Python 3.5 +
Install all the required packages using
pip install -r requirements.txt
1. Download the four MNIST dataset files from this link:
2. Unzip and place the files in the dataset folder inside the MNIST_Dataset_Loader folder i.e :
|_ trainedModel
|_ MNIST_Dataset_Loader
|_ dataset
|_ train-images-idx3-ubyte
|_ train-labels-idx1-ubyte
|_ t10k-images-idx3-ubyte
|_ t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte
3. To train the models run the following commands :
cd model/trainedModel
python trainModel.py
You can run through trainModel.ipynb if you use jupyter notebook
This will save the three models as pickle files for later use in prediction.
4. In the root folder run the following command to start the web application :
python app.py
i) K Nearest Neighbors: 97.87%
ii) SVM: 96.88%
iii) Random Forest Classifier: 96.99%
One of the reasons for wrong classification on user images :
The canvas provided is 200*200. So scaling the image down to MNIST compatible image (i.e. 28*28 grayscale image) results in loss
of some key features which are needed to correctly predict this image. So that's one of the reason for the wrong prediction of some images as we have seen in the above images.
- HTML + CSS + Javascript (for frontend)
- Flask (for backend)
- Python (for machine learning algorithms)
- To use Convolutional Neural Network which has better accuracy than these two
- Modify the website
- Add loading screen when computing the result
- Make it responsive
- Canvas is not getting displayed when its styling is put into style.css file