
course-project-the-frank-lloyd-bytes created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava

How to install

  1. Now if you used the app before, please go to "Device File Explorer -> data -> data -> com.example.myapplication -> databases" and delete two files("User.db" and "User.db-journal") as we have updated the database structure.
  2. Open the project in IntelliJ using get project form vision control.
  3. Create local properties file under the course_project... folder. Set the file as "sdk.dir=Your address for android sdk location"
  4. Make sure you are using android API 30.
  5. In the right-bottom corner, click Load Gradle project.
  6. Create Virtual Device Pixel 2, 3 or 3a, using API 30.
  7. Run the app