
Team Members

Jacob Burianek, Tammy Chau, Isaiah Kroeker, Steven Ngo, Jenisa Nguyen

Travis CI Build Status

Build Status

Acceptance Tests

Here is a link to our original acceptance test document:

The criteria in the document do not actually reflect our final acceptance tests, rather what we have in myapp/cypress/integration better indicates what the main features of our site are. Below is a screenshot of all our acceptance tests passing. image Cypress last ran and updated: June 9, 2021, 23:16

Here is a link to our Cypress runs dashboard:

Due to the time crunch and the nature of how cookies do not work with our deployed Heroku site (non-verified account), the acceptance tests can only be done locally and therefore are not yet automated. We did at least start the steps if to do so, as seen with our Cypress dashboard being set up.

Code Coverage

You should have the following python packages: pytest, coverage (plus all other packages required by the backend). You should also be in a python virtual environment (venv).

Commands to get coverage measurements of our backend: cd myapp/backend coverage run --source=. -m pytest coverage report -m

Here is a sample of a coverage report: image Coverage last ran and updated: June 8, 2021, 17:52

We do have at least 50% coverage of, which includes our primary data processing and backend-contained logic, and the rest are mostly code that deal with external interfaces (i.e., requests library, MongoDB). For example, our entire User class is mostly MongoDB accessing/interfacing.

How To Setup

All of these start in myapp folder.

Setup npm

Run commands: npm install npm audit fix

Setup Python venv

1. Create virtual environment. How To

2. Activate virtual environment. (Same link as above)

3. Run following command: [pip/pip3] install -r requirements.txt

How to Lint (Both require you've set up the environments)

To use ESLint on a file: npx eslint <filename>

To use pylint on a file: python -m pylint <filename>

How to run app

Running Backend (This is only in development when you are locally running): cd backend [export/set] [export/set] FLASK_ENV=development [python/python3] -m flask run

Running Frontend: npm start

Documentation on Dependencies

JavaScript Linter

Our team uses ESLint for our JavaScript code. Documentation found here.

Setting up ESLint via command line using npm

1. Install ESLint using npm

npm install eslint --save-dev

2. Set up a config file

npx eslint --init

Running ESLint on any file or directory

npx eslint file.js or npx eslint ./directory

Python Linter

Our team uses PyLint for our Python code. Documentation found here.

Install PyLint via command line using pip3

pip3 install pylint or pip install pylint depending on the user's development set up.

Running PyLint on any file

python3 -m pylint or python -m pylint depending on the user's development set up.

Docs with current user stories