Project Name

Author: Insert Name Here

This is a short project description providing details about what this application does.

Time spent

Describe the time you spent on the project.

  • Tutorials, research: 2 hours
  • Coding required stories: 1 hour
  • Optional and extras: 2 hours

User stories


  • User can enter total bill amount
  • User can choose between at least three tip tiers (e.g. 15%, 18%, 20%) and see the total tip
  • User can see the total with tip


  • Add custom CSS to the calculator inputs
  • Add a light/dark color theme toggle on the page
  • User can enter tax amount
  • Page is optimized for the viewport/browser size (i.e. scales to mobile & desktop sizes)
  • Remember the previous bill amount when the user re-opens the browser
  • Use locale specific currency and currency separators.


  • Any extra features not mentioned?

GIF Walkthrough

Markdown code to embed a GIF in your README file:

![Walkthrough GIF](path/to/gif.gif)

GIF created with LiceCap.

Notes & shoutouts

Tell us more about your journey here or resources used. e.g. "Spent some additional time researching and playing with color options via CSS, and looking at MDN to understand localStorage. Shoutout to Luke for helping me with that controller issue!"