
Application Description

Roomble is an application that targets college students seeking housing. Roomble takes on an interface similar to other socialization apps (Bumble, Tinder, Etc.) that makes finding a roommate simple and efficient. You can filter possible roommates by sleep habits, hobbies, interests, and many other categories. That way, instead of having to fill out a bunch of surveys and go through a pretty exhausting roommate selection process, finding a roommate has never been easier. One thing that college has taught us is anything can happen in an instant. Whether it’s having to find a new place to live for the next semester or needing to fill a spot in your house, having fast and easy access to an interface made for finding the right roommate is key. Roomble targets this audience, and makes finding that “perfect match” easier than ever. Roomble will utilize a combination of Hinge and Clovers algorithms utilizing categorization and similarity points to match users that are the most like them. This minimizes the probability of incompatibility and gives users the best first step they could take in finding a good roommate. Roomble will also take advantage of location preferences and have a filter for what type of living space is best.

For the backend, we will be using a JSON database to hold user’s information and data regarding roommate preferences. In order to develop this database, we will use Firebase. Our connection between the database and the frontend will be Javascript with text editors. For our frontend, we will have a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The Javascript will be for animations while we will use CSS framework for styling and HTML for markups.


Jake Werner
Brodie Schmidt
David Zhao
Francesca Tenney
Brenden Garcia

Architecture Plan

  • For the backend, we will be using Firebase to hold user’s information and data regarding roommate preferences.
  • Our connection between the database and the frontend will be C++ with text editors.
  • For our frontend, we will have a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • The Javascript will be for animations while we will use CSS framework for styling and HTML for markups.

How to run our project code

Our current copy is in ProjectRoomble. Please download the public folder into a folder with firebase tools. To test our project to go, login, go to profile add your information and then click on the roomble icon in the top left hand corner to see the information you just added.