360Snoozin Dual-Alarm AM/FM Clock Radio

About Us


  • Kyle Glick (B.S. Computer Science, College of Charleston)
  • Sam Word (B.S. Computer Science, College of Charleston)
  • Gifford Waltz (B.A. Computing in the Arts, Music Focus, College of Charleston)


  • Dr. Jim Bowring (Ph.D. Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology)

About 360Snoozin

We're a team of developers working together as part of the College of Charleston CSCI 360, Software Architecture and Design course. Our goal is to develop a Dual-Alarm AM/FM Clock Radio in Java while learning about System Design and AGILE Development.

About the System

The 360Snoozin Dual-Alarm AM/FM Clock Radio includes the following features and specifications:

  • Track time with an editable, virtual clock display
  • Toggle between 12 Hour AM/PM or 24 Hour Military time
  • Radio interface allows for various ways to play the radio, such as playing .mp3 files like a radio.
  • Dual-Alarms allow the user to set two completely individual alarms
  • Snooze timer for those who truly appreciate their snoozin'

Note: All of the .mp3 files included in this project were downloaded from Jamendo Music and were distributed under Creative Commons licenses. More information on their licensing can be found here.