Code for Establishing Continuous 2D-3D Surface Correspondences for Cloth-Changing ReID

To help you better understand the CSCL framework presented in our paper, we provide codes for establishing reliable continuous 2D-to-3D mapping for pedestrian images in both general and cloth-changing ReID datasets, which corresponds to the key CSE module in our paper.


  • Python 3.8
  • Pytorch 1.11.0 Run python install to compile this project.


General ReID datasets:

Cloth-Changing ReID datasets:

Download the dataset to your local folder. For example, './data/LTCC'


ImageNet Classification Models

Image Segmentation Models

ReID-Specific models


CSE training codes are implemented in

  • trainer/ train CSE module for ReID models

To train CSE module, you can do

python engine/ \
--dataset './data/DP3D' \
--epoch 40