
Sudo Client - We are a company that produces new ways to check the weather by combining innovative software with a friendly face. Our main product is an app that you can use offline and implements our groundbreaking technology. Our target audience is seniors.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Overall Brief

Company Name:


Company Description:

We are a company that produces new ways to check the weather by combining innovative software with a friendly face. Our main product is an app that you can use offline and implements our groundbreaking technology. Our target audience is seniors. We want to convey a sense of elegance, while at the same time being business-like.

Job Description:

You must create a website that will mainly provide information. The goal is to provide a great user experience. Besides the landing page, the website will need a about page, product pages and a blog. The landing page should have a About the Team section. There should be a call to action to get users to subscribe to the newsletter. They would prefer a luxurious design, and would like you to use the brand color, which is green. Take into account the client's preferences and values.

Technologies Used:

Our tech stack includes cutting-edge tools and frameworks to ensure a robust and efficient website:

  • React: A powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Typescript: Enhances the development experience by adding static types to JavaScript.
  • Redux: State management library for predictable state containers.
  • Vite & Vitest: Fast and efficient build tools and testing framework.
  • React-Router: Declarative routing for React applications.
  • React-Leaflet: Integrates Leaflet maps with React components.
  • Sonner: Useful toastify package that is extremely dynamic.
  • Tippyjs: Fantastic popup handler package.
  • lodash: A utility library delivering helpful functions for common programming tasks.
  • Sass: A popular CSS extension language for styling.
  • jsdom: A JavaScript implementation of the W3C DOM for Node.js.
  • eslint: A pluggable linting utility for identifying and fixing problems in JavaScript code.
  • axios: A promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
  • jest: A delightful JavaScript testing framework.

Future Steps:

Move into the Crisp main folder to see setup and extra information.