
Inventory management system project for QA training

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Coverage: 74%

IMS Inventory Management System - By Charles Cairney

This repo is for te creation of an IMS (Inventory Management System) for QA. The original repo that the template was source from was by @JHarry444 https://github.com/QACTrainers/IMS-Starter

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

You will need the the Java SE Development kit which can be found here
You will also need a version of MySQL Community including MySQL Workbench
You wil need a version of gitbash for terminal access
You will need to have Apache Maven for testing


Here is how to acquire and get the program running:

Vist Clone the repository using gitBash to your local computer in a safe location.
In IMS-Project\src\main\resources you must do the following steps
 - Open the sql-schema.sql in your MySQL WorkBench
 - Open the sql-data.sql in your MySQL Workbench
 - Run both files in MySQL 
 - Now you need to change the db.properties to have your local access (Shown below)

db.user="username here" - (if forgotten attempt = root)
db.password="password here" - (if forgotten attempt = root)
Now step 2 is complete open the location where you downloaded the repository folder to.
 - Right click in the main "IMS-Project" folder and launch "Git Bash Here".
 - Type mvn clean.
 - Type mvn package.
 - Close GitBash terminal.
 - Move to the "target" folder.
 - Right click in the folder and launch "Git Bash Here".
 - Type "java -jar ims-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar".

Example of Build

1. Here is the initial options page to direct the user to the correct space. Here we will choose order by typing "order" (not case sensitive)

2. Here is the Domain selection page where we choose the type of item we would like to view/alter. Here we will read the order then calculate cost.

3. here we will type "read" or "READ" to display all orders.

4. Now we choose cost by typing "cost" or "COST".
5. Then we enter the orderId to select order to calculate.

6. Finally we will Use the return function then the stop function to close the application.

7. Enjoy the application!

Running the tests

Once all Prerequisites have been complete you gain access to the testing feature through the src/test/java.

  • Select folder with right click.
  • Select "Coverage As"
  • Select "JUnit test" This will run all the tests and generate a coverage table indicating how much of the code has been covered in the testing and what percentage passed/failed/errored.

Unit Tests

Unit testing is a testing method where you test smaller isolated pieces of code that can be used logically by setting up condition to use before testing.
An example of where unit testing was used in our project was for the getter/setter/toString methods of each class (customer, orders, items)

	public void toStringTest() {
		order = new Orders(orderId, customerId, itemList);
		assertEquals(("Orders [customerId=" + order.getCustomerId() + ", orderId=" + order.getOrderId() + ", itemList="
				+ order.getItemList() + "]"), order.toString());
	public void testSetCustomerId() {
		order = new Orders(orderId, customerId, itemList);
		order.setCustomerId((long) 13);
		assertEquals((long) 13, order.getCustomerId(), 0.0001);

	public void testGetOrderId() {
		order = new Orders(orderId, customerId, itemList);
		assertEquals(orderId, order.getOrderId());

Integration Tests

Integration testing is where you test multiple combined components of a application to see if they logically work together.
Here we used Integration testing for our controllers for each (ItemController, OrdersController and CustomerController)

	public void testCreate() {
		final String itemName = "dragon";
		final double Price = (double)200.50;
		final Items item = new Items(itemName, Price);


		assertEquals(item, controller.create());

		Mockito.verify(utils, Mockito.times(1)).getString();
		Mockito.verify(utils, Mockito.times(1)).getDouble();
		Mockito.verify(DAO, Mockito.times(1)).create(item);

	public void testUpdate() {
		final Long orderId = 1L, customerId = 2L;
		final Orders order = new Orders(orderId, customerId);

		Mockito.when(utils.getLong()).thenReturn(orderId, customerId);
		assertEquals(order, controller.update());
		Mockito.verify(this.utils, Mockito.times(2)).getLong();
		Mockito.verify(this.DAO, Mockito.times(1)).update(order);
	public void testDelete() {
		final long ID = 1L;


		assertEquals(1L, this.controller.delete());

		Mockito.verify(utils, Mockito.times(1)).getLong();
		Mockito.verify(dao, Mockito.times(1)).delete(ID);

Built With

  • Maven - Dependency Management


We use GitHub for versioning.



This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE.md file for details

For help in Choosing a license
