This is the repository for the frontend of AVAA project's Paituli service. It is a node project that builds static resources that can be served via any webserver. Main libraries used in the website are jQuery, Bootstrap and Openlayers.
Dependencies and development dependencies can be found from package.json. Run the following to download and install them
npm install
To start the development server run
npm start
which starts a development server in localhost:9000. It also creates a proxy making it possible to run the backend development server at the same time. Backend dataset query is proxied to localhost:9000/api/datasets/
These development environment specific configurations can be found from and .env.development
To create the test or production build, run
npm run build-test
npm run build
The built files can then be found in the newly created /dist directory
Configuration for the environments can be found from .env.test/.env.production and webpack.test.js/