
Electronic exam software for higher education

Primary LanguageJavaEuropean Union Public License 1.1EUPL-1.1

Build Status

EXAM Quickstart for developers

  1. Prerequisites: install SBT, Java (11), Node (>= 14) and PostgreSQL (>= 9.4).

  2. Create PostgreSQL database

    $ createuser -SPRD sitnet
    $ createdb sitnet --owner=sitnet

    For tests

    $ createdb sitnet_test --owner=sitnet

    For protractor

    $ createdb sitnet_protractor --owner=sitnet

    Requires that you have pg_hba.conf set up to accept local connections etc.
    Note that you can configure database related parameters (and others) in the dev config file (conf/dev.conf)

  3. Get frontend dependencies

    $ cd ui
    $ npm install       
  4. Start sbt console

    $ cd ..
    $ sbt -Dconfig.file=conf/dev.conf -jvm-debug 9999

    This opens up a debug port at 9999 and starts up webpack dev server at 8080. You can run webpack server independent of sbt by passing the following build parameter

    $ sbt -Dconfig.file=conf/dev.conf -DwithoutWebpackServer=true

    in which case you can manage the server yourself in a separate terminal like this

    $ cd ui
    $ npm start    
  5. Inside sbt console start the app

    [exam] $ run
  6. Open http://localhost:9000 in your browser Accept the database migrations in case you see a prompt.

Skipping Karma and Protractor tests

You can skip running UI tests by passing the following build parameter

$ sbt -Dconfig.file=conf/dev.conf -DskipUiTests=true

in which case the tests will not be executed after starting the app.

Running Protractor tests with SBT

You can run protractor tests with sbt build using following command:

$sbt run -Dconfig.resource=protractor.conf

Passing parameters to protractor

You can pass parameters to protractor using protractor.args property. Passing multiple protractor parameters use comma (,) to separate parameters.


For example running specific test spec only:

$sbt run -Dconfig.resource=protractor.conf -Dprotractor.args=--specs=protractor/e2e/teacher-exam-spec.js

Running Protractor tests in CI

Using CI specific protractor configuration.

$sbt run -Dconfig.resource=protractor.conf -Dprotractor.config=ciConf.js

More information

For more information see official installation instructions (in Finnish only)