
Zoom in and out on the Map

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User Story #5 Narrative:
As a User
I want to be able to zoom in and out of the map
So I could adapt the map to how much I want to see

Acceptance Criteria:

Scenario 1: Zoom in with the disappearance

Given that a user is logged into the map interface and tigers are 200ft to the east and bears 50ft to the west with the zoom set to 300ft
Then user sees both the icons
When the user sets the zoom to 100ft
Then the user can see the icon of bears but not the tigers
Scenario 2: Zoom out with the appearance
Given that a user is logged into the map interface and tigers are 200ft to the east and bears 50ft to the west with the zoom set to 100ft
Then the user only sees the bears
When the user sets the zoom to 300ft
Then the user can see both the tigers and the beats on the map