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  • Multiverse is a tutoring service on-demand app for UCSD people to provide and receive tutoring services from each other.
  • Check-out demo video here:

Dev Environment SetUp

  • Multiverse is a React Native project, using Expo (SDK33).
  • So far, Multiverse code base does not use any native iOS code (i.e it is fully React Native) so neither macOS nor Xcode is required. You can use any machine/OS or IDE/text editor of your choice.


  1. Install Node Version: 10.16.3 (includes npm 6.9.0)
  2. Install Expo CLI command line interface
    • npm install -g expo-cli
  3. Install Homebrew
  4. Install Yarn
    • brew install yarn


  1. Install Node Version: 10.16.3 (includes npm 6.9.0)
  2. Install Expo CLI command line interface
    • npm install -g expo-cli
  3. Install Chocolatey
  4. Install Yarn
    • choco install yarn


  1. Install Nodejs with the following command:
    • sudo apt install nodejs
  2. Install npm with the following command:
    • sudo apt install npm
  3. Install Expo CLI command line interface
    • sudo npm install -g expo-cli
  4. Install Yarn (
    • sudo apt-get install yarn

Run Multiverse App through Expo

  • Note: When running app, if you see error message "Error: node_modules directory is missing...", run yarn install.

Option 1: iOS Simulator or Android Emulator

iOS Simulator

  1. To use iOS Simulator (a tool part of Xcode), you need to have Xcode version 9.4 or newer installed. This also means you need a Mac because Xcode only runs on macOS.
  2. Run expo start --ios inside the project folder, and you should see the app running in the iOS Simulator shortly.
  3. On iOS Simulator, you can type
    • 'Command + D' to open developer window
      • Select Enable Live Reload to allow automatic app reloading whenever changes in code are saved
    • 'Command + R' to reload the app

Android Emulator

  1. Similarly, you need to have Android Studio and Android SDK installed. Please refer to this page Android development environment section for instruction.
  2. Run expo start --android inside the project folder.

Option 2: Physical Mobile Device

  1. Run expo startinside the project folder. This starts a Node server and you can keep the server running while developing.
  2. Install the Expo client app on your iOS or Android phone and connect to the same wireless network as your computer.
  3. Scan the QR code generated from your terminal with the Expo app (Android) or the Camera app (iOS).
  4. You can shake your device to switch to developer window - Select Enable Live Reload to allow automatic app reloading whenever changes in code are saved

Public Libraries & APIs used in our code