👥 Your message is saved, Your message is secure, Your message is encripted!! 👥 (🔑 KeyWords: C#, C Sharp, RSA Algorithm 🔑)

Primary LanguageC#

🌟 RSA Algorithm 🌟

❓ What's it? ❓

  • Safety at Sea is a program that I developed for my University (I gotcha 10 with this program!!!). It uses RSA's Algorithm to encript and decript text messages, but, there are one special thing: I wrote the RSA proccess!!

  • In bit words, I studied how RSA works and wrote a class that make this function. How the cipher class was wrote by me (😐😐) and use integer numbers instead byte datas, the program works just with small integers.

⚒️ Tools ⚒️

  • C# and Visual Studio;
  • Windows as your Operational System.

⚙️ Run ⚙️


  • Download the source code;
  • Go to Criptografia RSA\WindowsFormsApp1\bin\Debug and opens the Criptografia RSA.exe file.


  • Download the source code;
  • Import Criptografia RSA folder in your Visual Studio;
  • Open the Login.cs file and compile it!

📝 Examples 📝

  • The software has three basic functions: information, cipher and CUMI!?; being each of them:
1) Information: you can access and read text and images information about a fictional situation (237 is the private key to decript the message, while 13 is the public key);
2) Cipher: you can encript and decript messages, besides to convert images to hexadecimal bytes (into 'Arquivos txt' folder there are 'Chaves.txt' file that contains some public and private key to use);
3) CUMI: yeahhhhhhhhhh, the first CUMI's version was developed in this project!!!!!!!!!

🎁 Bonus 🎁

  • The login's credentials are:
- login: cc2p14
- password: uniparacatuba

- CUMI: ON - EN | ON - PT | OFF - EN | OFF - PT
  • Curiosity: about my CSHARP-FERMAT-METHOD-RSA-ATTACK repository, I mentioned that I developed it in order to test a program. So, this is the program!

  • Into DLL's folder there are two dlls: Stsrem.Numerics and System.Speech, being:

- System.Numerics: used to proccess large integers numbers (BigInteger class);
- System.Speech: used to CUMI speak with us.

📫 Reach Me 📫

Email: csfelix08@gmail.com

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/csfelix/

Instagram: instagram.com/c0deplus/

Portfolio: CSFelix.io