☕🌐 Read and Learn... DataMe!!! 🌐 ☕(🔑 KeyWords: java, jsp, html, css, javascript, jquery, sql, mysql, mongodb 🔑)

Primary LanguageJava

🌟 DataMe 🌟

❓ What's it? ❓

  • DataMe is a website to read and share news about some topics. The users are group by four levels, each level has differents functions, that is:
- Level 1 (common): just read news;
- Level 2 (vip): read\post news, sign up users level 1;
- Level 3 (premium): read\post\review news, sign up users level 1\2, block and unblock users level 1\2;
- Level 4 (administrator): read\post\review news, sign up users level 1\2\3\4, block and unblock users level 1\2\3\4
  • The news have levels from 1 to 3 and each user can read just news with level equals or smaller than your. For example, if a post has level 2, just users level 2 or greather can read it.

  • Using FaceJS api, the users can use 2FA Multi-Factor Authentication to log in.

⚒️ Tools ⚒️

  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript;
  • JQuery, JQueryUI, Font-Awesome and MOJS;
  • FaceJS API;
  • Some Browser;
  • Java 13 version or later;
  • TomCat Server 9 version or later;
  • Eclipse IDE;
  • MySQL 8 version or later;
  • Mongo DB 3.1 version or later;
  • FaceAPI

⚙️ Run ⚙️

  • Download the war file;
  • Import the war into your Eclipse IDE;
  • Starts mysql and mongodb services;
  • Start tomcat server;
  • Open your browser and put this url:

📫 Reach Me 📫

Email: csfelix08@gmail.com

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/csfelix/

Instagram: instagram.com/c0deplus/

Portfolio: CSFelix.io