🐍 Let's play Hangman Game, shall we? Hangman is a terminal game developed with Python and you needa try out it!! 🐍 (πŸ”‘ KeyWords: python, hangman gameπŸ”‘)

Primary LanguagePython

🌟 HangMan Game 🌟

❓ What's it? ❓

  • HangMan Game is a terminal Hamgman Game! (😐😐)
  • In default, the word are Programming Language, but you can change the theme like I show in Examples topic.

βš’οΈ Tools βš’οΈ

  • Python 3.5 version or later

βš™οΈ Run βš™οΈ

  • Download forca.py and word.txt files;
  • Open the computer's terminal;
  • Go to the files' diretory. Suppose that my files are in Hangman folder localized in C disk, so, tip this command in the terminal:
cd C:\Hangman
  • Tip:
python hangman.py

πŸ“ Examples πŸ“

  • How the words.txt file has just programming languages, you can change the content editing it. For example, if I want to change the game theme to, lemme think, Sword Art Online Characters, I can edit the file like this:
Kayaba Akihiko

πŸ“« Reach Me πŸ“«

Email: csfelix08@gmail.com

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/csfelix/

Instagram: instagram.com/c0deplus/

Portfolio: CSFelix.io