
🌱 A Simple React-Native Guide for Myself 🌱

Primary LanguageJava

🌟 React-Native Guide 🌟

❓ What's it? ❓

React-Native Guide to check out how to do some stuffs!!

⚒️ Tools ⚒️

  • Visual Studio Code;
  • Git;
  • React-Native,
  • Genymotion,
  • Reactotron,
  • Yarn;
  • Babel, ESLint, Prettier, EditorConfig,
  • React Navigation, Styled Components, React-Native Vector Icons, React-Native Gesture Handler, Axios, Async Storage, Prop Types,
  • GitHub API.

⚙️ Run ⚙️

  • Download this repo and open it on VS Code;

  • Open the termminal on VS Code and run the command:

  • On the terminal, run the command:
npx react-native init MyProjectName (before starting Android Emulator on Genymotion)

react-native run-android (after starting Android Emulator)

react-native start (starts application and bundle)

react-native start --reset-cache (when you need to start application and bundle with a new cache)

📫 Reach Me 📫

Email: csfelix08@gmail.com

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/csfelix/

Instagram: instagram.com/c0deplus/

Portfolio: CSFelix.io

Kaggle: DSFelix