
🌱 Explanation about the Settings Files on Visual Studio Code to work with NodeJS in back-end!! 🌱

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🌟 VS Code - Setting Files 🌟

❓ What's it? ❓

Explanation about the Settings Files on Visual Studio Code to work with NodeJS in back-end!!

⚙️ .editorconfig ⚙️

Default settings when the team works on different IDE's
The file doesn't have a name, it's just the extension.

⚙️ eslintrc.js ⚙️

Auto fix in code formatation

⚙️ .prettierrc ⚙️

Auto fix in code formatation
The file doesn't have a name, it's just the extension.

⚙️ .sequelizerc ⚙️

Manipulation in databases.
The file doesn't have a name, it's just the extension.

⚙️ nodemon.json ⚙️

Configuration to nodemon works together with sucrase library

⚙️ package.json ⚙️

All dev and production dependencies!
Executes yarn on terminal to install all of them!!

⚙️ yarn.lock ⚙️

Yarn settings

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