
Scripts to calculate metrics for an RDF Linkset

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LocI Linkset Validation & Metrics

This repository contains a description of, and code for, the validation of and calculation of Linkset metrics for the LocI project.


A Linkset is a specialised type of RDF Dataset that contains links between other datasets. Linksets are created to allow for the management of links between Datasets separately to the Datasets themselves. This is because links between Datasets may not be solely the province of either of the linked Dataset's owners and thus cannot easily just be published within either or both Datasets.


The LocI project's formal definition of a Linkset is within the LocI Ontology:

That definition also includes a SHACL shapes file that can be used with a SHACL validator tool, such as pySHACL, to check to see if a given Linkset conforms to the LocI Linkset specifications. Validation checks to see if whole-of-linkset required properties, such as Linkset creator and created date, as present as well as individual link required properties, such as LocI Ontology's hadGenerationMethod.

Validation code

See the LocI Ontology for the Linkset SHACL shapes file.

Using the validation code

To validate a Linkset using the Linkset SHACL shapes file, you need to execute a SHACL validator, such as pySHACL, feeding in both your Linkset and the Linkset SHACL shapes file. Since validation of very large Linksets might take a long time, you may wish to first validate your Linkset's whol-of-linkset information and perhaps the first 10 links.


The metrics that are calculated for each LocI Linkset are published on the Linkset's README page, for example, the metrics for the Linkset Current Addresses to 2011 Mesh Block Linkset are visible on that Linkset's home page.

The metrics calculated so far are:

  1. Number of links
  2. Number of items in Dataset A (from) not linked
  3. Number of items in Dataset B (to) not linked
  4. Number of link creation methods used
  5. Numbers of uses of each link-creation method

As an example of results, the metrics for the Linkset Current Addresses to 2011 Mesh Block Linkset, found on that Linkset's home page, are:

Metric Value
Number of links 14173051
Number of items in Dataset A (from) not linked not yet calculated
Number of items in Dataset B (to) not linked not yet calculated
Number of link creation methods used 5
Numbers of uses of each link-creation method m1: 13361555
m2: 188410
m3: 114823
m4: 459270
m5: 48993

Metrics code

The code used to generate a Linkset's metrics are a series of SPARQL queries that are stored in the queries/ folder of this repository.

One example query is that used to generate the Number of links metric which is:

PREFIX m: <http://linked.data.gov.au/def/loci/hadGenerationMethod>
SELECT (COUNT(?s) AS ?count)
    GRAPH <http://linked.data.gov.au/linkset/addrmb11> {
		  ?s m: ?m .

In words, this query asks: "How many triples are there in the graph <.../addrmb11> that have a loci:hadGenerationMethod property?".

Using the metrics code

The queries in queries/ folder need to be run against a Linkset that is available for SPARQL querying. This will involve loading a Linkset into a triplestore and then executing the query against it. For large linksets, such as Current Addresses to 2011 Mesh Block Linkset which contains 14,173,051 links, such queries can take a minute or two, even on well-provisioned triplestores.

Rights & License

The content of this API is licensed for use under the Creative Commons 4.0 License. See the license deed all details.


Nicholas Car
CSIRO Land & Water, Environmental Informatics Group