Python package for the analysis of differential Hi-C compartments
is a software for the detection of differential chromatin compartmentalization from Hi-C data. It takes as input two compartment segmentation files produced by the CALDER software [Liu2021].
To install the library, first clone the repository:
git clone
enter in the library directory:
cd diffComp
and install the package by creating a new conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Currently, the package offers the following command line tools:
Compartment repositioning events (CoREs) are detected with the cores
usage: cores [-h] [--algo ALGO] [--min_std MIN_STD] [--control1_path CONTROL1_PATH] [--control2_path CONTROL2_PATH] [--signal_path SIGNAL_PATH]
[--bed_path BED_PATH] [--coordinates COORDINATES] [--genome GENOME] [--chromosomes CHROMOSOMES] [--verbose] [--very-verbose] [--version]
sample1_path sample2_path binsize output_path
Identifying Compartment Repositioning Events from Calder genomic segmentations. Given sample1 and sample2 Calder segmentations, it identifies regions
undergoing statistically significant compartment repositioning in sample2 in comparison to sample1. Significance of the repositioning is determined
using paired control samples (control2 vs control1), which are provided by the user. Usually, replicates of the same experiments are used to model the
intrinsic biological noise in the Hi-C compartment calls.
positional arguments:
sample1_path Path to the Calder segmentation of sample 1
sample2_path Path to the Calder segmentation of sample 2
binsize Resolution to use in the analysis
output_path Path where to store the identified regions
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--algo ALGO Which algorithm to use for finding CoREs
--min_std MIN_STD Maximum standard deviation allowed for segmented regions
--control1_path CONTROL1_PATH
Path(s) to the Calder segmentation(s) to use to use as control 1 (comma-separated)
--control2_path CONTROL2_PATH
Path(s) to the Calder segmentation(s) to use to use as control 2 (comma-separated)
--signal_path SIGNAL_PATH
Path where to store the binned differential signal
--bed_path BED_PATH Path where to store the identified regions in BED format
--coordinates COORDINATES
Coordinate system of the input files (zero-based / one-based)
--genome GENOME Genome (Default: hg19)
--chromosomes CHROMOSOMES
List of chromosomes to perform the analysis on (Default: all chromosomes, comma-separated)
--verbose Set loglevel to INFO
--very-verbose Set loglevel to DEBUG
--version show program's version number and exit
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.1.2. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see
- Liu2021
Liu, Y., Nanni, L., Sungalee, S. et al. Systematic inference and comparison of multi-scale chromatin sub-compartments connects spatial organization to cell phenotypes. Nat Commun 12, 2439 (2021).