This is the online services platform for Chinese Students and Scholars Association @ Unimelb
Proundly developed and supported by the Department of Information Technology, CSSAUnimelb
You MUST have these packages/tools installed on your local machine before playing with this project
- Docker-CE (Community Edition)
- Python == 3.7.2
- Lastest stable version of Pipenv (Optional but recommended)
- PostgesSQL Server == 10.6 (Optional for who wants to test code outside the Docker container)
Currently the ALICE bootloader ( is added as an entry point for myCSSA container. Due to the difference in EOL between Windows and UNIX-based systems, the bootloader could be not executed properly in Windows environment. If you see the error " exec user process caused 'no such file or directory'", please use Notepad++ or something equivlent to modify the EOL of to UNIX style.
- Clone this repo to your local machine by running:
git clone
- Use Terminal in Mac/Linux/Unix or PowerShell in Windows
- Navigate to the repo folder
- Run following command:
cd CSSANet
docker-compose up --build
- Access the page at: http://localhost:8000
- To access Admin Pages, use this account:
password: test1234
Since CSSANet is set to be running in a Docker Containter, the file structures is a bit different from an usual pipenv configuration. In some cases, especially when you use IDE with IntelliSense technology (e.g. VSCode), this could cause problems in importing project's app. Please following the steps below to resolve the issue:
- Under the directory 'your/path/to/myCSSA/CSSANet/code', run:
pipenv install -r ../requirements.txt --python=3.7.2
- In VSCode, open the 'code' folder as a new workspace, then select your venv python as the interpreter and enable pylint.
Welcome to join us by contacting:
Project Manager and Lead Engineer: Le (Josh). Lu (
UI / UX Designer and Lead Front-end Developer : Mengyu (Caitlin) Jiang (
Communication System Developer: Shenhai (Howie). Chen (
Content Managament System Developer: Maoting (Brook). Zuo