
Open source for use worldwide and contributions from others worldwide

Primary LanguageC++


Open source for use worldwide and contributions from others worldwide

See out documentation at https://cssaltlab.github.io/Open_Source_Ventilator/

NOTE: The ventilator code makes references to 2 outside libraries not included in the code found on Github or in the Arduino IDE.

These two libraries are:

AllSensors_DLHR (https://github.com/jeremycole/AllSensors_DLHR)
BMP280 sensor library (https://itbrainpower.net/downloadables/sSense-BMx280.zip)

To add these two libraries to your Arduino IDE:

Open your Arduino IDE
Select "Sketch"->"Include Library"->"Add .ZIP library..."
Navigate to the location of the .zip of the library you downloaded from the websites listed above

Do this for each of the two libraries needed.