This Repository contains the source code of the Multipurpose Enhanced Cognitive Architecture (MECA).
MECA is a Java library to build cognitive architectures / artificial minds for robots and software agents. MECA provides a framework with different capabilities out of the box for artificial minds to be built upon.
MECA has been built on top of the Cognitive Systems Toolkit (CST). It is therefore important to know CST's concepts and how to implement cognitive architectures using CST in order to make a better use of MECA.
Note: This library is still under development, and some concepts or features might not be available yet. Feedback/bug report and Pull Requests are most welcome!
- Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
- Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.CST-Group:meca:0.6.0'
Sometimes, the version number (tag) in this README gets out of date, as maintainers might forget to change it when releasing. Always check the release badge to see the actual current version number that should be provided in the dependencies in Step 2 above.
- Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file.
- Step 2. Add the dependency
Sometimes, the version number (tag) in this README gets out of date, as maintainers might forget to change it when releasing. Always check the release badge to see the actual current version number that should be provided in the dependencies in Step 2 above.
Download the latest release and set it as a dependency in your project.
This release uses gradle to download the dependencies from MavenCentral. It does not require you to have gradle installed in your system because it uses the Gradle Wrapper. Depending on your operational system, you might execute the gradlew script or the gradlew.bat script in order to compile the code. You might need the JDK to be properly installed in order to build the code. You should call "gradlew " in order to build the code. Available tasks can be discovered using "gradlew tasks". After calling "gradlew build", the MECA library will be available at build/libs directory.
Follow the release page to better understand the breaking changes of new versions.
MECA requires at minimum Java 8.
To get started, you can take a look at our hands on codelab which teaches you how to use MECA's version 0.0.1. (soon we will provide more examples in the library repository).
Refer to MECA's publications to better understand the concepts behind the implemented code structures:
- An Overview of the Multipurpose Enhanced Cognitive Architecture (MECA);
- The Multipurpose Enhanced Cognitive Architecture (MECA).
This Software was developed in a partnership with Ericsson Research.