database-user-management Project

Provides a UI to manage users within Mongo


The project is made up of an API written using Java and the Quarkus framework and a UI that uses Typescript with React.

The service can be found under src/main/java The UI is under src/main/webapp



The API requires a mongo database it can connect to, if you don't specify anything in the it will attempt to start a container using Quarkus dev services. You can customise the container it tries to run using the quarkus.mongodb.devservices.image-name property. Alternatively if you have a different mongo running, either in a container or on your machine, update the file to specify the connection string:

# configure the mongoDB client for a single instance on localhost
quarkus.mongodb.connection-string = mongodb://localhost:27017

You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev

NOTE: Quarkus now ships with a Dev UI, which is available in dev mode only at http://localhost:8080/q/dev/.


Ideally you need the API running to make developing the UI easier (TODO: make use of MSW to mock in future). Either run as above or run the API docker image. In package.json there is a proxy setting that tells the UI where to look for the API.

The UI requires the node dependecies to be installed, from the webapp directory (src/main/webapp) run:

yarn install

You can then run the UI in dev mode that also enables live coding by running the start script

yarn run start


The entire application can be packaged into a docker image using:

./mvnw clean package

It makes use of Jib to create the image, the base image is set in

The image is then runnable using:

docker run -p 8080:8080 database-management-ui:0

Both the UI and the API are available on the same port