
Simple GitHub Repository Hook Server in golang

Primary LanguageGo

Getting Started:

 mkdir -p pushy/bin
 mkdir -p pushy/pkg
 mkdir -p pushy/src/github.com/CSUA
 cd pushy/src/github.com/CSUA
 git clone git@github.com:CSUA/pushy.git

Make sure to add $SOMEWHERE/pushy to your GOPATH and add $SOMEWHERE/pushy/bin to your PATH as well.

Running Pushy (development)

 sudo go run *.go --config pushy.json --log pushy.log


 go install
  sudo pushy --config pushy.json --log pushy.log

pushy requires root for now, but only because there's no logic in place to not setuid/setgid from the user/group names it reads from pushy.json.

Installing Pushy

 go install github.com/CSUA/pushy

Testing Pushy

To test the pushy server, take the file GitHubTestResponse and feed it straight to the host and port the server is running on, like so:

 nc localhost 8001 < GitHubTestResponse

nc, aka Netcat, will transfer exactly those bytes over the network. A sample pushy.json configuration file is included.