Uses ROS Lunar for Ubuntu 17.04 and python 2.7.13
- git clone or
- cd Robosub2018/robosub/scripts
- python
- Restart computer
- cd ~/robosub_ws/
- catkin_make
enter command to navigate to workspace: roscd
enter command to navigate to the workspace src folder: cd ../src
enter command to run script: ./auv_start.bash
open a new terminal (ctrl+alt+t ubuntu shortcut) and enter following command: roscore
open a new terminal and enter following commands: roscd robosub/scripts/ python
open a new terminal and enter following command: rosrun ez_async_data ez_async_data
open a new terminal and enter following commands: roscd pathfinder_dvl/scripts/ python
open a new terminal and enter following command: rosrun rosserial_python
open a new terminal and enter following command: rosrun hardware_interface hardware_interface
- once all terminals are open and running the corresponding programs
- on the terminal enter '?' without quotes to see available commands
- this command must be first typed for the AUV to maneuver: motor on
- this command can be typed to kill the motors after: motor off
- to run AUV manually with keyboard control type this command a list of keybindings will appear: navigation keyboard
- to run the Computer Vision test task type this command to show list: task ?
- to run all the task though the order which they are listed: navigation cv 1
- to cancel any task that is run enter: task