This project was developed by Christopher Schankula and Dennis Zvigelsky in partial fulfillment of the CAS 760 course requirements.
Aloalonzonzo is an encoding of the syntactic aspects of William Farmer's logic Alonzo within its own set of theory definition modules.
- The PDF with the theory definition modules can be found here
- The PDF of the oral presentation deck can be found here
Theory Definition Modules
A typical theory definition module is a tuple that has the following:
- Module name
- Base types
- Constants
- Axioms
One module that was used extensively in Aloalonzonzo was the theory extension module. It has the following:
- Module name
- Name of sub-theory
- New base types
- New constants
- New axioms
Syntax Specified
The following syntactical properties of Alonzo were specified:
- Strings
- Types
- Expressions
- Bound Variables
- Free Variables
- Expression Substitutions