
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple c++ socket.io client for communicating with ysyx-sdb-tui server.

You can install ysyx-sdb-tui plugin in the marketplace of VS Code. Or see ysyx-sdb-tui

When you use sdb in NEMU or NPC for debugging, it can highlight the specific line in the disassembly file and source file. It greatly enhances debugging efficiency.


  • apt install gdb-multiarch: support RISC-V debugging
  • Install C++ socket.io client library: socket.io-client-cpp, see Chapter Installation alternatives for details.

Interface configuration


  1. copy sdb-client.cc to ${NEMU_HOME}/src/utils.

  2. Modify the filelist.mk in ${NEMU_HOME}/src/utils. Add sdb-client.cc, -lsioclient to specific conditions.

CXXSRC = src/utils/disasm.cc src/utils/sdb-client.cc
CXXFLAGS += $(shell llvm-config --cxxflags) -fPIE 
LIBS += $(shell llvm-config --libs) -lsioclient
  1. Add interface callings to NEMU.
  • Add client initialization code to the function void init_monitor(int argc, char *argv[]) in src/monitor/monitor.c.
  /* Initialize the simple debugger. */

  /* Initialize the sdb client, server is vscode plugin */
  void open_sdb_client();
  void init_sdb_vscode_file(char *img_file_path, int type);
  void highlight_line(word_t addr, int type);
  if (img_file != NULL)
    init_sdb_vscode_file(img_file, 0);
    init_sdb_vscode_file(img_file, 1);
    highlight_line(cpu.pc, 0); // disassembly file, highlight the start pc
  • Add highlight_line() to the function execute in src/cpu/cpu-exec.c.
static void execute(uint64_t n)
    Decode s;
    for (; n > 0; n--)
        exec_once(&s, cpu.pc);
        // ...

    /* highlight the specified line in the source file and disassembly file */
    void highlight_line(word_t addr, int type);
    highlight_line(s.dnpc, 2); // all
  • Add close_sdb_client to function cpu_exec in src/cpu/cou-exec.c.
    Log("NEMU QUIT Only");

    void close_sdb_client();



In abstract-machine/Makfile:

# modify `O2` to `O0`
CFLAGS += O0 -ggdb 

Then clean all build directory and rebuild:

  • abstract-machine/build directory
  • abstract-machine/am/build directory
  • abstract-machine/klib/build directory

User Guide

  1. Open VS Code and install the ysyx-sdb-tui plugin in the marketplace.

  1. Type Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette.

    • Type ysyx sdb tui Enable and press Enter to enable the extension. It will open a terminal and focus on it.
  2. Run the NEMU program in sdb mode in the terminal, such as make ARCH=riscv32-nemu run.

  3. Type si 5 test the SDB TUI plugin.

  1. Close the server after debugging.
    • Type ysyx sdb tui Disable and press Enter to disable the extension.
    • Or close the VS Code directly.