Reddit image downloader, with duplicate filtering

You're browsing porn on Reddit. You click on an E-Girl. "Dang, why does she post so many duplicate images?" You spend the next two hours scrolling through her 10,000 images, of which 9,980 are duplicates. You feel cheated. Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to filter out those duplicate images?

This CLI tool downloads a Reddit user's images, skipping duplicates along the way.

How to use

You'll need to download the tool, configure it (optional), and run it.

Download the tool

Download and unzip a release that matches your platform (Windows, Mac, or Linux).

Configure the tool (optional)

The file appsettings.json has four configuration settings:

  • DownloadDirectory: Default is ., the current directory. Subfolders with each Reddit user's name will be created here, and images will be saved in them.
  • MaxHammingDistance: Default is 0, and must be a non-negative integer. Leaving this as 0 is fine for most purposes. The higher the number, the more aggressive the duplicate filtering will be, which can reduce the number of downloads, but increases the chances an image that you consider subjectively different from a previous download will be filtered out as a duplicate. 15 is probably too high.
  • MaxParallelism: Default is 4. Must be at least 1. Setting higher than 1 parallelizes image fetches. Beyond about 4-8, offers no speed increase, because Pushshift API metadata fetches, which are not parallelized, become a bottleneck.
  • MinimumLogEventLevel: Default is Information. Controls log verbosity. Possible values are Verbose, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, and Fatal.

Run the tool

Pass 1 or more Reddit usernames as arguments to the executable, separated by spaces. In this example, I use this user:

DownloadRedditImages.exe dmishin

It will download images to the directory {DownloadDirectory}/{username}, creating it if it does not already exist.

If you run the tool again, it will intelligently skip re-downloading images that were already downloaded, and only download new images since the last run.

There is also a convenience all argument to run for all users in the download directory, allowing for easy updates:

DownloadRedditImages.exe all

How it works

The tool quickly filters out duplicate downloads by first downloading "preview" images (which are very small, typically 108x108 pixels), and then passes the preview images through a 2-layered hierarchical hash filter:

  • A CRC-32C "Castagnoli" hash, which simply filters out duplicates with the exact same file content, and
  • A perceptual hash, which filters out duplicates with near-identical image visual features. The perceptual hash filter "aggressiveness" can be tuned with the MaxHammingDistance config setting, as described earlier.

Images which pass both hash filters are downloaded in full size. The image file name convention is "{perceptual hash} {castagnoli hash}.jpg".

A checkpoint.json file is also written to the folder containing the images, and keeps track of the progress of the downloads.

Comparison with other tools

This tool only downloads user images. If you need more than just user image downloads, there's lots of other great choices:


  • On Linux, I get an error saying Unable to load DLL 'libgdiplus': Run apt-get install -y libgdiplus, as described here, and try again.
  • A user just posted a new image. I ran the tool, but the new image wasn't downloaded. Why?: Reddit user posts are retrieved using Pushshift API, which lags behind live Reddit data by a few hours. Wait and try again?
  • An error happened while downloading and the tool crashed. What do I do?: Run the tool again. It will resume where it left off. If it dies repeatedly, file a bug.
  • Does this download videos?: No.
  • Pushshift API is down. This tool no longer works. What do I do?: git commit -m suicide

There is a known bug where it's possible to download two or more images with distinct perceptual hashes which are within MaxHammingDistance of each other, rather than the expected behavior of only keeping one. This can only happen if MaxParallelism >= 2, MaxHammingDistance >= 1, and the images are downloaded at the exact same time, so it should be rare.

Publishing a new release

Requires the .NET 5 SDK. Run this:

dotnet publish -c Release -p:PublishTrimmed=true --runtime win-x64
dotnet publish -c Release -p:PublishTrimmed=true --runtime osx-x64
dotnet publish -c Release -p:PublishTrimmed=true --runtime linux-x64

Output will be in DownloadRedditImages\bin\Release\net5.0\win-x64\publish (and similar for the Linux and Mac builds). Zip the folders, and upload.