Extension for ReSharper which analyzes thrown and documented C# exceptions and suggests improvements
- 9
Rider IDE support
#67 opened by DenisPimenov - 5
Exceptional not properly analysing functions
#56 opened by rollsch - 5
SDK Update to Resharper 2020.2.x
#114 opened by hhu-mahmoud - 0
NullReferenceException - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
#122 opened by jirisykora83 - 0
Change exceptional documentation style
#121 opened by rollsch - 0
Inheritdoc with exception bug
#120 opened by Hulkstance - 0
Private protected methods ignored
#119 opened by FabianNitsche - 0
Ignores checked keyword
#118 opened by FabianNitsche - 0
- 7
Optional exceptions not working
#107 opened by AdrienVR - 1
- 0
Autofixes for optional exceptions
#95 opened by jamesmcguirepro - 4
Nightly Build
#99 opened by ManticSic - 8
Full Guide for manual installation?
#102 opened by hhu-mahmoud - 0
- 1
Disable once comments not working
#72 opened by JensYvanDeCraecker - 0
- 7
Accept <inheritdoc />
#73 opened by boop5 - 4
Settings are not saved
#75 opened by volvo-martin - 3
2019.3.x Support?
#98 opened by hhu-mahmoud - 3
Exclude whole assemblies
#96 opened by RedX2501 - 0
- 0
- 3
Save problem with Checkboxes in Options
#88 opened by matzew01 - 2
- 5
New Maintainer?
#92 opened by ManticSic - 14
2019.2.x Support?
#91 opened by Mike-E-angelo - 3
2019.1 Support?
#86 opened by Mike-E-angelo - 0
- 5
Resharper 2018.3 support
#82 opened by pedrior - 5
Update to Resharper 2018.2
#77 opened by elmanav - 0
#80 opened by BSPollard - 0
OverflowException not handled correctly
#79 opened by HelenAvelin - 4
- 2
- 1
Checking .HasValue (== true) on a Nullable type still shows InvalidOperationException prompt when calling .Value
#53 opened by DonaldRecord - 1
Analysis does not respect <inheritdoc />
#65 opened by dittodhole - 1
Add support for R# 2017.2
#63 opened by kakalaky - 0
Does not support named parameters
#57 opened by IvanKonov - 1
- 19
- 0
WCF exceptions are not supported
#59 opened by IvanKonov - 25
Add support for R# 2017.1
#52 opened by cmeeren - 0
Using Null coalescing operator on LINQ Method still shows prompt for ArgumentNullException.
#54 opened by DonaldRecord - 13
Exceptional for 2016.3
#50 opened by kirbatious - 2
Trouble updating Exceptional to 2016.2
#42 opened by pshrosbree - 2
- 9
- 8
- 5
Exceptional does not understand the property exception xml doc that it generates
#47 opened by wiredwiz