
Simple port of FluenUI/Office Fabric React components and style to Blazor

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Simple port of Office Fabric React components and style to Blazor

Client-side Demo (web assembly)


Server-side Demo (SignalR)


Telegram dev channel


See the wiki for all usage notes


Release Notes

  • v3.0.0

    • Theming is now available on BlazorFabric
      • Defaultwise There is a Light- and a Dark-Theme
      • You also can create your own Theme and add it
      • Theme is an CascadingValue, so that you can also use Colors and Styles for your own Components
    • Add DetailsList
    • Add DetailsList-Grouped
    • Add GroupedList
    • Add Indeterminate State to Checkbox
    • Upon this release you don't need to add .css-files in index.html / _Host.cshtml because Components will self take care of css-classes and styles with help of GlobalCS and LocalCS
    • All javascript files have been combined into one minified file
  • v2.2.0 (Jan 25, 2020)

    • Added Pivot
    • Fix #78 positioning problems with Callout
    • Heavy focus on keyboard-navigation. Fixes to ContextualMenu, Dropdown
    • Refactored ResponsiveLayout to use media queries in style tags for immediate effect... BREAKING CHANGES HERE.
    • Added ResponsiveWrapper and ResponsiveCascader (not Fabric controls) that work using javascript. Changes applied after 1st render.
    • Minor changes to button css files. Only need to include button.css to have them all load automatically.
    • Many, many bug fixes.
  • v2.1.0

    • Added Text (including custom styling)
    • Upgraded TextField with PrefixContent and SuffixContent for non-text-only content
    • Added non-Fabric RichTextEditor that uses Fabric controls (more functions TBA)
    • Added Dialog
    • Added non-Fabric ComponentStyle that uses unique css-class names for styles special for components and .Net-Classes to create css-classes to be more flexible in component-styling
  • v2.0.0

    • Upgraded entire project to aspnetcore 3.1 (enables partial classes, stopProgation, preventDefault, and others)
    • Upgraded demos to aspnetcore 3.1 and netstandard 2.1
    • Added Calendar
    • Added DatePicker
  • v1.3.6

    • Custom NavigationTemplate close button inside Panel would not show the close animation, now it does.
    • Fixed #33
    • Fixed Callout positioning bug #2
    • Added single string key binding to Dropdown
    • Added ProgressIndicator
    • Added MessageBar
    • Fixed #50
    • Added Link
    • Added FocusZone
    • Enhanced Rating with FocusZone
  • v1.3.5

    • Added Rating (contributed by Eweol)
    • Added autocomplete to TextField + style fixes include description field
    • Added validation to TextField (contributed by Eweol)
    • Added Keytip placeholder... doesn't do anything yet. But required internally for Toggle
  • v1.3.3

    • Added Toggle
    • Added password functionality to TextField (contributed by Eweol)
    • Added ResponsiveLayout <- not a Fabric control, but made so you don't have to use CSS media queries!
    • Changed the demo's layout to use ResponsiveLayout and Stack, slowly removing CSS!
  • v1.3.2

    • Added Spinner
    • Added Persona
    • Added Image
    • Added Tooltip
    • Added Stack <- awesome abstraction of flexbox... the Fabric guys don't give this one enough credit
  • v1.2.6 (aspnetcore-3.0 out of preview!)

    • Fixed Overlay so that it blocks body scrolling
    • Added Panel
    • Added FocusTrapZone (and added it to Modal to make focus interactions work better)
    • disregard previous fix! Current guidelines are that devs must manually add js and css files to your html files. See the sample for a copy/paste opportunity.
  • v1.2.2-preview9

    • Fixed new components so they would automatically add their css/js to your index.html in client-side blazor (This is temporary. You're supposed to add them in manually anyways. This will stop working in a future version of Blazor)
  • v1.2.1-preview9

    • Fixed wrong thread problem with ContextualMenuItem (using a timer)
  • v1.2.0-preview9

    • Breaking changes: ContextualMenu attached to all buttons requires a new way to create menu items. Use the built-in ContextualMenuItem class or create your own with the IContextualMenuItem interface.
    • Added: CommandBar, ResizeGroup, OverflowSet and fixed ContextualMenu click/dismiss problems.
  • v1.1.1-preview9

    • Fixed Button contextmenu icon
  • v1.1.0-preview9

    • Breaking changes: Changed all namespaces to BlazorFabric. No more sub-namespaces using the control's name.

Status of Controls

Basic Inputs

Control State Information
Button Done
Checkbox Done except for icons
ChoiceGroup ToDo
ComboBox ToDo
Dropdown Done
Label Done
Link Done
Rating Done
SearchBox ToDo
Slider ToDo
SpinButton ToDo
TextField Done except masking
Toggle Done

Galleries & Pickers

Control State Information
Calendar Done
ColorPicker ToDo
DatePicker Done
PeoplePicker ToDo
Pickers ToDo
SwatchColorPicker ToDo

Items & Lists

Control State Information
ActivityItem ToDo
DetailsList Done
DocumentCard ToDo
Facepile ToDo
GroupedList Done
HoverCard ToDo
List Done supports INotifyCollectionChanged
Persona Done

Commands, Menus & Navs

Control State Information
Breadcrumb ToDo
CommandBar Done
ContextualMenu Done
Nav Done
OverflowSet Done
Pivot Done

Notification & Engagement

Control State Information
Coachmark ToDo
MessageBar Done
TeachingBubble ToDo


Control State Information
ProgressIndicator Done
Shimmer ToDo
Spinner Done


Control State Information
Callout Done
Dialog Done can't drag
Modal Done no modeless version
Panel Done
ScrollablePane ToDo
Tooltip In Progress limited functionality. will show, but can't interact with it yet, doesn't respond to overflow yet.


Control State Information
Announced ToDo
FocusTrapZone Done
FocusZone Done
Icon Done only MS icons
Image Done
Keytips ToDo
Layer In Progress only layers at root window right now.
MarqueeSelection ToDo
Overlay ToDo
ResizeGroup Done
Selection ToDo
Separator ToDo
Stack Done
Text Done
Themes ToDo


Control State Information
ResponsiveLayout Done
RichTextEditor In Progress Works with limited styles available
GlobalCS In Progress
LocalCS In Progress


There are no MergeStyles in this port. It's just each control packaged into its own project so you can limit what gets added to your Blazor project.

To use

  1. Install NuGet package for the control you want. BlazorFabric.* (be sure to select preview packages)
  2. The Blazor team has been inconsistent with how static files from component libraries are added to projects in the past. Going forward, you'll need to add all javascript assets from the component packages manually. You can just copy/paste the section from the test app's index.html. You can also use my helper VSIX extension (may have major bugs! Be sure to compile once for assets to show up.): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=LeeMcPherson.BlazorLibraryAssetHelper&ssr=false#overview
  3. Optionally, add Microsoft's assets package to your index.html or _Hosts.cshtml file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static2.sharepointonline.com/files/fabric/office-ui-fabric-core/11.0.0/css/fabric.min.css" />


Use the tool here to generate your own MS font package: https://uifabricicons.azurewebsites.net/

(Remember that the assets package has a more restrictive license. You are required to use it with/for some type of Microsoft product. However, one of their engineers said that using it hosted on Azure would be enough... but I'm not a lawyer, so use caution.)

  1. Add "AddBlazorFabric" to ServiceProvider

ServerSide: Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

ClientSide up to version 'Blazor WebAssembly 3.1.0' : Startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

ClientSide from version 'Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 1' : Program.cs

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
  1. Add css-class tag in

ServerSide: Pages/_Host.cshtml

	<component type="typeof(GlobalRules)" render-mode="ServerPrerendered" />

ClientSide: wwwroot/index.html

	<style id="staticcs"></style>
  1. Add following to get controll over css-classes tag you created before

ServerSide: issn't needed

ClientSide up to version 'Blazor WebAssembly 3.1.0' : Startup.cs

 public void Configure(IComponentsApplicationBuilder app)

ClientSide from version 'Blazor WebAssembly 3.2.0 Preview 1' : Program.cs

public static async Task Main(string[] args)
  1. For Theme's add following in App.razor as most outside Component. You can have a look in Demo application's App.razor
		<Router AppAssembly="typeof(Startup).Assembly" />
  1. If you're using any component that requires a Layer as part of its inner-workings (i.e. Modal, Callout, etc... anything that pops up over already drawn stuff), you need to wrap the Router with a LayerHost.
<LayerHost Style="display:flex; flex-direction: row;width:100vw">
    <Router AppAssembly="typeof(Startup).Assembly" />