
CSCI3260 Assignment

Primary LanguageC++

CSCI3260 Assignment

Here saves all my assignment of the course CSCI3260 Principles of Computer Graphics.


  • Use Visual Studio 2019 or above to create an empty C++ project
  • Copy all the files into the folder where the .vcxproj file locates
  • Add all the .h files into Header Files and all the .cpp files into Source Files
  • Copy the whole folder Dependencies into csci3260asg1, csci3260asg2 or csci3260proj (the one you want to test)
  • Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories:
    • Path to Dependencies/glm
    • Path to Dependencies/GLFW
    • Path to Dependencies/glew
  • Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies:
    • opengl32.lib
    • glfw3.lib
    • glew32.lib
  • Set the solution platform to x64
  • Copy Dependencies/glew/glew32.dll to the folder where the executable file locates after building the project