
Documentation, Readme and Manual for the IFM-2009 mod

Primary LanguageSass

International Formula Master 2009 - Manual and Documentation

Documentation, Readme and Manual for the IFM-2009 mod


Given an up to date Ruby environment, run:

$ bundle install


Use jekyll to develop and export the website.

$ jekyll serve

Starts a local server on port 4000 for live testing.

$ jekyll build

Generates the static website to the _site/ directory.

There are 2 versions of the readme, which differ very slightly. The online version is available at http://readme.ctdp.net/ifm2009/ and requires /ifm2009/ as base_url in the config.yml The offline verison is included in the mod and has to use relative paths.

add History updates

On new versions of the IFM-mod add these snippet to the history page and add changes to the mod accordingly:

h3. 1.1 / 2015-04-xx

h4. Enhancements

* bulletin
* list

h4. Bug Fixes

* etc