******************************RDAnalysis.C README****************************** This file explains how to run the RDAnalysis.C root macro and its prerequisites. The macro analyses the radiation damage on the silicon strips detector by running on the DQM files. The DQM files can be produced with the DQM_maker and should be saved in the "Runs" folder, with the name "DQM_V0001_CTPPS_R000$runID.root", where $runID is a six digit number that identifies the CMS run number. Information about using the DQM_maker and his prerequisites are included in a README file in the DQM_maker folder. The second prerequisite is the run information file, called "runinfo.csv". To produce this file one has to connect to "https://cmswbm.web.cern.ch/cmswbm/" (CERN CA/GRID certificates and VOMS authorizations are required). Then look for "Run Summary", tick the "CTPPS_TOT" field in "Components Online Status" and select the the Begin RunNumber and EndRunNumber. The former being the first $runID after the installation of the detector, the latter being the last run to analyse. Click on submit query then click and drag on the whole page, starting from the label "RUN" and going down to the bottom right corner and copy. Open a spreadsheet and use the "special paste" function (right click menu), to paste everything starting from the top left corner. Split then the second column (LUMI_NB_LIVE_DELIV) in two, by adding a column on the right and using the "text to column" function (ref. libreoffice), to separate the live delivered integrated luminosity from the NB one. Save then the file into "runinfo.csv". Check also that runinfo doesn't have an empty line at the end, since it could cause crashes. Edit the RDAnalysis.C, adding to "certainruns[]" the runs to be analysed and plotted (use runs with many tracks, more than 10000 should be enough). Add to excludedruns[] the runs with the pots active but not deployed, in this way their integrated luminosity isn't added to the count for the detector. Run the macro by opening a terminal, changing directory to the one where RDAnalysis.C is located and then typing "root -l RDAnalysis.C". The plots should be almost immediately shown on screen. As alignment run the file used is "10082_EVB15_2_ntuple.root" and the values of the parameter are hardcoded RDAnalysis.C in the TF1 objects definitions. Commands for getting the parameter values from similar ntuples are saved in "alignment_cmds", located in the RDAnalysis directory. The code has been tested with the root 6.06/06 release. (Ask me if more information is needed) *******************************************************************************