
a Django project for conference websites

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository stores the Pinax Symposion conference starter project. This project is open source and the license can be found in LICENSE.


To get setup with symposion_project code you must have the following installed:

  • Python 2.6+
  • virtualenv 1.4.7+
  • C compiler (for PIL)

Setting up environment

Create a virtual environment where your dependencies will live:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages myconference
$ source myconference/bin/activate

Make the project directory your working directory:

$ cd symposion_project

Install conference project dependencies:

(myconference)$ pip install -r requirements/project.txt

Setting up the database

This will vary for production and development. By default the project is set up to run on a SQLite database. If you are setting up a production database see the Configuration section below for where to place settings and get the database running. Now you can run:

(myconference)$ python manage.py syncdb

Running a web server

In development you should run:

(myconference)$ python manage.py runserver

For production, this project comes with a WSGI entry point located in deploy/wsgi.py and can be referenced by gunicorn with deploy.wsgi:application.


You can create a local_settings.py file alongside settings.py to override any setting that may be environment/instance specific. This file is ignored in .gitignore.