Parallel GPU version of the heuristic Nurse ReRostering Problem (NRRP) solver.

Primary LanguageCudaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

The program NRRPGpu is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Authors: Zdenek Baumelt (baumezde@fel.cvut.cz), Jan Dvorak (dvoraj57@fel.cvut.cz) and Premysl Sucha (suchap@fel.cvut.cz)

Supported compiler: GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)

You can download the standard datasets from https://aquila4.iseg.utl.pt/aquila/homepage/f683/nurse-rerostering-instances.

If you find this software useful for your research or you create an algorithm
based on this software, please cite our original paper in your publication list.

Z. Bäumelt et al., A novel approach for nurse rerostering based on a parallel algorithm, 
European Journal of Operational Research (2016), 