
Drupal module to display localist events in a block

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


rename your branch to main

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a

Latest Stable Version Build passing Code Coverage

A light weight Drupal module to pull localist and render in a cwd_events block. With six options for built in views.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


This module is made for use with a Drupal websites. Development requires Node and NPM.


with composer

composer require cubear/cwd_events

or download directly from Github Repo.

cd modules/custom && git clone https://github.com/CU-CommunityApps/CD_cwd_events

Development to compile sass and javascript.

cd ./src/app
npm install
npm run watch

Running the tests

start a local server in the /dev folder using http-server

npm install -global http-server

then run

npm run test

check for test coverage:

npm run coverage

view browser tests Demo Page

Break down into end to end tests

Test are loocated in the dev/test folder and test for:

  • localist main function

  • localist connector

  • all templates

  • all helper functions

    button click events are not currently tested and must be done manually using the demo page.

And coding style tests

This module follows drupal code standards for phpcs and linting.

production builds npm prod require all linting tests to pass before the build can finish with success.


enable the module with drush

drush en cwd_events

add a Events block and configure block settings.

This is an example of the block output:

      <h2>Block Name</h2>
      <a class="cwd_events_readmore" href="/events">Read More</a>
            class="drupal-events-listing cwd-events-style"
            data-calendarurl= "../test/testData.json"
            data-apikey= 'KLhy2GtuSAGirYGY'
            data-filterby= 'group'
            data-addcal= "true"

To use the Drupal API enable install and enable the Drupal Graphql Modules

drush en graphql
drush en graphql_core

Set the Graphql permissions for anonymous users.

  • Bypass field security (optional)

  • Execute arbitrary GraphQL requests

  • Execute persisted GraphQL requests

More about the Localist API

The localist api docs https://developer.localist.com/doc/api#usage

API query Filters

READ the API DOCS! In many cases just play around with the demo, until you get the results you need.

The module builds a query that is made to to the localist api

The localist api returns results with the three parameters Anded together:

Departments are (OR) keywords (AND) Group_id (integer)

Currently the Drupal module does not support multiple keywords. The API does support multiple keywords but they would be ORed together and in most cases the resulting query is very small. If you have a project that requires multiple keywords put in a issue for it.

Built With


For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0 - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Hat tip to Anthony M. Adinolfi for his work on localist event in Cornell Base theme.

Sites using this plugin.