
A super simple Python Flask App deployed in a Docker Container

Primary LanguagePython


A super simple Python Flask App deployed in a Docker Container

This application is used as part of a demo that shows how to configure AWS Application Load Balancer and AWS Cognito to use Azure AD and SAML as identity providers. See Configure AWS Application Load Balancer to use Cognito and Azure AD (ADFS/OIDC) (private to Cornell community).

This image is automatically built and is available on Docker Hub at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/pauleallen/ct-aws-cognito-demo-docker.

Miscellaneous Commands

Pull the container from Docker Hub

docker pull pauleallen/ct-aws-cognito-demo-docker:latest

Build the container locally

docker build -t ct-aws-cognito-demo-docker .

Run the container on a server

If you built it locally:

docker run --detach --restart always -p 80:5000 ct-aws-cognito-demo-docker:latest

If you pulled it from Docker Hub:

docker run --detach --restart always -p 80:5000 pauleallen/ct-aws-cognito-demo-docker:latest

How to run the container locally

In this mode, you can hack on app.py and the server will reload it when changes are saved.

Ensure your current working directory contains app.py before executing this command. To stop the container use ^C.

docker run -it --rm -p 80:5000 -v $(pwd):/app ct-aws-cognito-demo-docker:latest


This should NOT be used for production purposes.

JWT Handling for Ruby

Here's the Ruby equivalent to the JWT handling code in app.py:

  require 'base64'
  require 'json'
  require 'net/http'
  require 'jwt'
  # Step 1: Get the key id from JWT headers (the kid field)    
  encoded_jwt = request.headers['HTTP_X_AMZN_OIDC_DATA']
  jwt_headers = encoded_jwt.split('.').first
  logger.debug "jwt_headers: " + jwt_headers.to_s
  decoded_jwt_headers = Base64.decode64(jwt_headers)
  logger.debug "decoded_jwt_headers: " + decoded_jwt_headers.to_s
  logger.debug "decoded_jwt_headers.encoding: " + decoded_jwt_headers.encoding.to_s
  logger.debug "decoded_jwt_headers.class: " + decoded_jwt_headers.class.to_s
  decoded_jwt_headers = decoded_jwt_headers.encode("utf-8")
  logger.debug "decoded_jwt_headers: " + decoded_jwt_headers.to_s
  logger.debug "decoded_jwt_headers.encoding: " + decoded_jwt_headers.encoding.to_s
  logger.debug "decoded_jwt_headers.class: " + decoded_jwt_headers.class.to_s

  decoded_json = JSON.parse(decoded_jwt_headers)
  logger.debug "decoded_json.class: " + decoded_json.class.to_s
  kid = decoded_json['kid']
  logger.debug "kid: " + kid
  # Step 2: Get the public key from regional endpoint
  myresponse = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI('https://public-keys.auth.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/' + kid))
  pub_key = myresponse.body
  logger.debug pub_key
      # # Step 3: Get the payload
  payload = JWT.decode(encoded_jwt, OpenSSL::PKey.read(pub_key), true, { algorithm: 'ES256' })
  logger.debug "=============== JWT PAYLOAD ==============="
  payload.first.each { |key, value|
    logger.debug "#{key}: #{value}"