
Documentation for CUBRID RDBMS

Primary LanguageC++


Documentation for CUBRID RDBMS

  1. Extension of original files of this manual

  2. Precaution to edit files.

    Please don't use tab character. Change your editor setting that "change tab as spaces". 1 tab should be 4 spaces.

  3. How to build manual

    1. Install sphinx package and theme

      1. Install python

        yum install python3 -y
      2. Install read the docs theme

        pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme
      3. Install make to build

        yum install make -y
    2. go to the manual directory (cd ko for Korean; or cd en for English)

    3. make html

    4. now you can see the built html files from _built/

  4. Make commands

    make clean
    make html
  5. Mainly used tags on sphinx document(.rst file).

    Basically, indent is very important when you use tags. For details, see http://sphinx-doc.org/

    1. Titles
    1. bold & italic
    **bold text**
    *italic text*
    1. escaping with \
    *italic text*\_  will be "italic text_" : blank is ignored.
    1. dot list
    *   text
    -   text
    1. boxes
    .. code-block:: sql
        SELECT 1;
    .. note::
        note this.
    .. warning::
        warning this.
    1. footnote
    .. rubric:: Footnotes
    .. [#f1] word: explanation
    1. function
    .. function:: function_name (arg1, arg2)
    1. option
    .. program:: program_name
    .. option:: option_description
    1. links

      1. function link

      2. footnote link

      3. internal link

            .. _link_position:
            :ref:`link_positon` or :ref:`title <link_positon>`
      4. external link

            `title <http address>`_