CUCTF 2020

A CTF that challenges you from web exploitation to reverse engineering ELF binaries.

Recommended Tools

  • netcat
    • gnu-netcat
    • nc6
    • openbsd-netcat (discouraged)
  • python
    • pwntools
  • http request mitm
    • burpsuite
    • tamper chrome
  • debugger
    • gdb
      • pwndbg
      • peda
    • radare2
  • reverse engineering platform
    • radare2
    • cutter
    • binaryninja
    • ida/ida pro
    • ghidra


  1. No sharing of flags or solutions. The entire point of a CTF is to learn, so simply handing someone a solution won't benefit them.
  2. No attacking the scoreboard.
  3. No brute forcing. All challenges can be done without DDoSing or bruteforcing flags. If there is any need to run a binary a million times, it will work on your own system.
  4. No DoSing. If you intentionally hold the challenges of the platform down, you will be banned.


Reverse Engineering

Challenge Points Port
Anti-RE ??? None
Departed 500 None

Binary Exploitation

Challenge Points Port
Baby Bof 50 9000
Custom Canary 500 9100
BYOD 500 9800
Hotrod 500 9900

Web Exploitation

Challenge Points Port
PivotPlaneHinge 500 6000
Woops 500 6100
Graphed 500 6200


Challenge Points Port


Challenge Points Port
Vexed ??? None