Standardize all timestamp values to UTC
jdaigneau5 opened this issue · 2 comments
Confirm that all CVE-Services generated timestamp values are in UTC time. Also, ensure that all incoming timestamp value are in UTC time (Might be a schema issue, depends on more discussion).
Definition of Done
- All CVE-Services generated dates are ISO/UTC time
CVE-Services uses ISO timestamps already. Need to confirm this is universally the case.
It was requested that I open an issue in CVE Services for this exact topic, we talked about it in the Automation Working Group and issue 135 in that repo.
My recommendation/ask is to:
- convert all existing date/time fields to be explicitly in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format (convert everything to UTC time even if a different time zone was supplied)
- Convert any new/incoming date/time fields to be stored as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ regardless of timezone submitted (or omiteed).
- Drop the unnecessary precision of milliseconds, just show whole seconds.
At the 10/31/2024 AWG meeting, this user story was divided into two User Stories ( #1291 and #1274 ) with similar requirements (but different scopes).
The scope for #1274 (which is this User Story) will be the use of the ISO/UTC date/time format for all future published CVE Records This will be implemented in CVE Services.
The scope for #1291 will be all the use of ISO/UTC date format for all historical CVE Records (i.e, records published prior to the CVE Services Update for #1274). This will be implemented as part of a repository maintenance action.