
Deep Neural Networks should be Easy to Write

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Named after the deepest place on earth (Mariana trench), Mariana is a Machine Learning Framework built on top of Theano, that focuses on ease of use. The full documentation is available here.

Why is it cool?

If you can draw it, you can write it.

Mariana provides an interface so simple and intuitive that writing models becomes a breeze. Networks are graphs of connected layers and that allows for the craziest deepest architectures you can think of, as well as for a super light and clean interface.

There's no need for an MLP or a Perceptron or an Auto-Encoder class, because if you know what these things are, you can turn one into the other in a 2 seconds.

So in short:

  • no YAML
  • completely modular and extendable
  • use the trainer to encapsulate your training in a safe environement
  • write your models super fast
  • save your models and resume training
  • export your models into DOT format to obtain clean and easy to communicate graphs
  • free your imagination and experiment
  • no requirements concerning the format of the datasets

A word about the '>'

When communicating about neural networks people often draw sets of connected layers. That's the idea behind Mariana: layers are first defined, then connected using the '>' operator.


Clone it from git!:

git clone https://github.com/tariqdaouda/Mariana.git
cd Mariana
python setup.py develop

Full Examples

Please have a look at examples/mnist_mlp.py. It illustrates most of what this quickstart guide adresses. There's also examples/vanilla_mnist_perceptron_mlp.py, wich demonstrate how to train an MLP (network with one hidden layer) or a Percetron on mnist without the use of a trainer.

Short Snippets

Importations first

import Mariana.activations as MA
import Mariana.decorators as MD
import Mariana.layers as ML
import Mariana.costs as MC
import Mariana.regularizations as MR
import Mariana.scenari as MS

The instant MLP with dropout, L1 regularization and ReLUs

ls = MS.GradientDescent(lr = 0.01)
cost = MC.NegativeLogLikelihood()

i = ML.Input(28*28, name = "inputLayer")
h = ML.Hidden(300, activation = MA.reLU, decorators = [MD.BinomialDropout(0.2)], regularizations = [ MR.L1(0.0001) ])
o = ML.SoftmaxClassifier(9, learningScenario = ls, costObject = cost, regularizations = [ MR.L1(0.0001) ])

MLP = i > h > o

Training, Testing and Propagating:

#train the model for output 'o' function will update parameters and return the current cost
print MLP.train(o, inputLayer = train_set[0][i : i +miniBatchSize], target = train_set[1][i : i +miniBatchSize] )

#the same as train but does not updated the parameters
print MLP.test(o, inputLayer = test_set[0][i : i +miniBatchSize], target = test_set[1][i : i +miniBatchSize] )

#the propagate will return the output for the output layer 'o'
print MLP.propagate(o, inputLayer = test_set[0][i : i +miniBatchSize])

This is an autoencoder with tied weights

ls = MS.GradientDescent(lr = 0.001)
cost = MC.MeanSquaredError()

i = ML.Input(10, name = "inputLayer")
h = ML.Hidden(2, activation = MA.tanh, decorators = [ MD.GlorotTanhInit() ])
o = ML.Regression(10, activation = MA.tanh, costObject = cost, learningScenario = ls)

ae = i > h > o

#tied weights, we need to force the initialisation of the weight first
o.W = h.W.T

Can it run on GPU?

At the heart of Mariana are Theano functions, so the answer is yes. The guys behind Theano really did an awesome job of optimization, so it should be pretty fast, wether you're running on CPU or GPU.

Making life even easier: Trainers and Recorders

A trainer takes care of the whole training process. If the process dies unexpectedly during training it will also automatically save the last version of the model as well as logs explaining what happened. The trainer can also take as argument a list of stopCriterias, and be paired with a recorder whose job is to record the training evolution. For now there is only one recorder GGPlot2 (which is also the default recorder).

This recorder will:

  • Output the training results for each epoch, highliting every time a new best score is achieved
  • Automatically save the model each time a new best score is achieved
  • Create and update a CSV file in a GGPlot2 friendly format that contains the whole historic of the training as well as information such as runtime and hyperparameter values.

Dataset maps

Mariana is dataset format agnostic and uses DatasetMaps to associate layers with the data the must receive, cf. examples/mnist_mlp.py for an example.


Mariana layers can take decarators as arguments that modify the layer's behaviour. Decorators can be used for example, to mask parts of the output to the next layers (ex: for dropout or denoising auto-encoders), or to specify custom weight initialisations.

Costs and regularizations

Each output layers can have its own cost. Regularizations are also specified on per layer basis, so you can for example enforce a L1 regularisation on a single layer of the model.

Saving and resuming training

Models can be saved using the save() function:


Loading is a simple unpickling:

import cPickle

mlp = cPickle.load(open("myMLP.mariana.pkl"))

Getting the outputs of intermediate layers

By setting a layer with the argument saveOutputs=True. You tell Mariana to keep the last outputs of that layer stored, so you can access them using .getLastOutputs() function.

Cloning layers and re-using layers

Mariana allows you to clone layers so you can train a model, extract one of it's layers, and use it for another model.

h2 = h.clone()

You can also transform an output layer into a hidden layer, that you can include afterwards in an other model.

h3 = o.toHidden()

And a hidden layer to an output layer using:

o = h.toOutput(ML.Regression, costObject = cost, learningScenario = ls)

Visualizing networks

To get a DOT format representation of your network:

#to simply print it
print mlp.toDOT()

#to save it

You can then visualize your graph with any DOT visualizer such a graphviz.


Mariana allows you to define new types of layers, learning scenarios, costs, stop criteria, recorders and trainers by inheriting from the provided base classes. Feel free to taylor it to your needs.