
Download dataset issues

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Hello, unfortunately your dataset has run out, could you re-upload it?

Hi, actually i cant make a account due to country resaon. Can you please provide some work-around so that i can access the dataset. please

Thanks CV but can you upload it on drive or somewhere else where i can access it faster.
I have some school project to finish. Please

it is paid @CVUsers, please provide a free source

yes, that is why I am asking can you please upload it on some common platform like google drive, mega, pcloud, or some other. Basically, the site that I can access in India.
Please it will be a great help @CVUsers

Ok can you provide me link any temporary Baidu account so that I can download the dataset? After you can revoke it.
Hi here is the site, you can upload it here. It is free in China and India both.